Flutter by Gina Linko
Publisher: Random House
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Mystery/suspense
Length: Full Length (342 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 16+
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by StephanotisFor as long as 17-year-old Emery Land can remember, she’s suffered from seizures. In recent years they’ve consumed her life. To Emery they’re much more than seizures, she calls them loops—moments when she travels through wormholes back and forth in time to a mysterious town. The loops take their toll on her physically, so she practically lives in the hospital where her scientist father monitors her every move.
Emery decides to escape the hospital and travel to Esperanza, the town from her loops on the upper peninsula of Michigan, where she meets Asher Clarke. Ash’s life is governed by his single-minded pursuit of performing good Samaritan acts to atone for the death of a loved one. Drawn together they must unravel their complicated connection before it’s too late.
The books for young adults seem to be getting better and better and Flutter was no exception. I think this is a title that both adults and teenagers, especially teenage girls, will both really enjoy.
It’s got a little of everything, sweet romance, suspense, and a nice helping of sci-fi thrown in. It’s told in the first person and you immediately connect with Emery whose point of view the story is told from. She has epilepsy and is confined to a hospital room where her father is a doctor. He comes across as a mix of doting father and someone who isn’t all that he seems so you begin to feel uneasy for Emery. Her seizures or loops as she calls them, are getting worse. Each one is given its own chapter which I thought were all perfectly described and pulled you into the story.
There’s a mystery brewing and it seems that Emery is time traveling when she goes into a loop. So strong is her belief that she takes off to the town she’s seen while in a loop. It’s at this point that the story really takes off and has you turning the pages. The last seventy-five pages of the book I couldn’t put down and kept on reading. I won’t give the ending away but will just say it left me with a few tears in my eyes.
I thought the author presented a unique twist of what happens to people and their brains when they experience seizures. This is a fun book to read yourself or even one to think about giving as a holiday gift to the teenage girl on your list.